Group of People Standing in Front of Brown Concrete Castle

Solo Travel to Athens for Female Travelers: You Ultimate Guide

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If you’ve been keeping up with my travels, you know I’m passionate about exploring the world solo—and empowering other women to do the same! Today, I’m taking through my solo travel to Athens adventure. Rich with history, culture, and some of the best food I’ve ever had, Athens is an incredible destination for solo female travelers. Whether you’re into ancient ruins, bustling markets, or just wandering through charming streets, Athens has it all. And guess what? It’s totally doable on your own!

In this guide, I’m sharing everything you need to know to make the most of your solo travel to Athens—how to stay safe, what to see, where to eat, and even some local hidden gems that made my trip unforgettable. So, grab your passport and let’s get planning!


Athens is a city that offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and modernity. From the iconic Acropolis to the charming Plaka district, there’s no shortage of things to see and do. However, like with any major tourist destination, navigating Athens as a solo female traveler comes with its own set of considerations. That doesn’t mean you should be nervous — quite the opposite! With a few smart strategies and a bit of local insight, you can explore the ancient ruins, bustling markets, and cozy cafés with ease and confidence. In this post, I’ll walk you through the essential safety tips for your solo travel to Athens, so you can focus on enjoying everything this incredible city has to offer.

Hotel Safety Tips for Your Solo Travel to Athens

Choose a Reputable Hotel

When booking accommodations, opt for well-reviewed hotels in central areas like Plaka or Monastiraki. These are busy neighborhoods with plenty of tourists, cafes, and easy access to public transportation, making them safer options. Avoid staying in more isolated or poorly lit areas, especially if you’re planning to explore late in the evening.

Check for 24-Hour Reception

It’s always a plus to book a hotel that has 24-hour reception and security. This way, you can check in or arrive at odd hours and have someone there to help. A front desk staffed around the clock also adds a layer of security since no one can walk in unnoticed.

Inspect Your Room Upon Check-In

After you enter your hotel room, make sure everything is in working order. Check that the door lock, deadbolt, and peephole are functioning correctly. If you feel uncomfortable or notice something off, don’t hesitate to request a room change or ask for assistance from the hotel staff.

Always Lock Up

Even if you’re just stepping out for a minute, make it a habit to double lock your hotel room door. Use the deadbolt or a door chain for extra security when you’re inside the room. If your room has a safe, store your passport, extra cash, and valuables there.

Use the Do Not Disturb Sign

Hanging the “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door when you’re out can make it seem like someone is still in the room. It can deter anyone from thinking the room is empty, offering an added layer of protection.

Insider Tip: Look for accommodations with 24-hour reception, good reviews from other solo female travelers, and easy access to public transportation.

Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers in Athens

Explore During the Day, Stay Cautious at Night

Exploring Athens during the day provides not only better visibility and safety but also the chance to experience the city’s historical sites, markets, and vibrant culture in their full glory. While Athens has many safe neighborhoods, being cautious at night is crucial, especially in areas with fewer people and dim lighting

If you plan on staying out after dark, stick to well-lit, busy areas, and avoid wandering alone in unfamiliar neighborhoods. Consider joining a guided evening tour or planning your evenings in spots known for their lively, safe atmospheres like Plaka or Monastiraki Square.

Pro Tip: If you’re out late, especially after enjoying some Greek food and wine, consider using a trusted taxi service or rideshare app to get back to your hotel safely.

Be Aware of Pickpockets in Crowded Areas

Like in many major tourist destinations, pickpockets tend to target crowded areas in Athens, especially around the Acropolis, public transportation, and markets like the famous Monastiraki Flea Market. Being vigilant and keeping your valuables secure is key to avoiding unwanted surprises.

Invest in a crossbody bag with anti-theft features, such as RFID protection and slash-resistant material. Keep your bag zipped and close to your body, especially when navigating crowded spaces. You can find options like these in my Amazon storefront. Avoid keeping items in your back pocket and never leave your phone or wallet on tables at cafes.

Check out my post on How to Avoid Being Pickpocketed in Athens!

Safety Hack: Use a cross-body bag that zips shut and consider investing in an anti-theft backpack. Keeping your phone and wallet in your front pockets is always a good idea too!

Stay Connected & Share Your Itinerary

Staying connected while traveling solo is crucial for safety. It ensures that someone knows where you are and can reach out if needed. Sharing your itinerary with a trusted friend or family member allows them to check in with you and know your whereabouts if you’re unreachable.

Before you leave, send a copy of your day-to-day travel plans to someone you trust. Keep your phone fully charged and consider carrying a portable power bank, which is especially helpful for long days out sightseeing. You can also use apps like Find My Friends or Life360 to share your live location. Both a power bank and travel apps can be found through my Amazon storefront.

Travel Tip: Grab a local SIM card or portable Wi-Fi device when you arrive in Athens, so you’re never without internet access. This also makes it easier to use maps and call for help if needed.

Dress Modestly and Blend In

Athens, while modern and cosmopolitan, still holds conservative values in some areas, especially around religious sites like churches and monasteries. Dressing modestly not only shows respect for local customs but also helps you blend in, reducing unwanted attention.

Wear breathable, modest clothing, especially when visiting religious sites like the Parthenon or Meteora (if taking a day trip). A lightweight scarf can be useful for covering your shoulders when needed. Athens’ heat can be intense, so consider wearing loose, long-sleeved tops to stay cool while adhering to local customs. You’ll find travel scarves and modest, stylish clothing options in my Amazon storefront

Insider Tip: Carry a light scarf with you — not only is it a stylish accessory, but it can come in handy when visiting religious sites or when you need to cover up a bit more.

6. Trust Your Instincts and Stay Alert

When traveling solo, especially as a female, trusting your instincts is one of your most valuable safety tools. If a situation or a person feels off, it’s okay to walk away or change plans. Staying alert, particularly in unfamiliar areas, can prevent uncomfortable or unsafe scenarios.

Always keep an eye on your surroundings, whether you’re strolling through Athens’ ancient ruins or relaxing at a cafe. If something feels “off,” don’t hesitate to remove yourself from the situation. It’s also a good idea to have an emergency contact list readily available, which you can program into your phone. Use Google Maps or download offline maps of Athens so you can navigate confidently without looking lost.

Pro Tip: If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe, walk into a nearby café or store. Greeks are generally very welcoming and helpful, and shop owners are often more than willing to assist a traveler in need.

Use Public Transportation Wisely

Public transportation in Athens, including buses, trams, and the metro, is affordable and convenient. However, pickpockets are known to frequent crowded buses and trains, especially around tourist hotspots. Being cautious and knowing how to navigate safely is essential.

When using the metro, especially at stations like Omonia and Monastiraki, keep your belongings in front of you and be aware of your surroundings. Try to avoid public transportation late at night if you’re traveling alone. If you’re unsure about a route, ask locals or transportation staff for guidance, and always carry a few euros for a taxi if needed. You can also download transportation apps like Moovit for real-time schedules and updates. A money belt or hidden travel pouch can help keep your valuables safe and are available on my storefront.

Safety Tip: Avoid sitting near the doors on public transportation, as that’s where quick thefts tend to happen. Keep your belongings close, and try to sit near other women or families.

Know Some Basic Greek Phrases

While many Athenians speak English, learning a few basic Greek phrases shows respect for the local culture and can be extremely helpful in everyday interactions, especially in more local areas or when asking for directions.

Here are a few key phrases to remember:

  • “Kalimera” (Καλημέρα) – Good morning
  • “Efcharistó” (Ευχαριστώ) – Thank you
  • “Parakaló” (Παρακαλώ) – Please/You’re welcome
  • “Pou ine i” (Πού είναι η) – Where is…?

Having these basic phrases at hand can make your travels smoother, especially when communicating with locals who may not speak English fluently. You can use language learning apps like Duolingo to practice Greek before your trip, and you can find compact travel phrasebooks in my Amazon storefront.

Hotel Safety Essentials from My Amazon Storefront

These are a few safety essentials you can purchase to keep your hotel room more secure during your stay:

RFID-Blocking Wallet

While not directly related to hotel safety, an RFID-blocking wallet can protect your credit cards and personal information from being scanned without your knowledge. It’s a great way to keep your cards safe while you travel.

Portable Door Lock

This is a must-have for solo female travelers. A portable door lock is easy to install and adds an extra layer of security to your hotel room door. It prevents anyone from entering, even with a key. It’s compact and fits easily into your suitcase.

Door Stop Alarm

A door stop alarm is another handy tool to ensure your hotel room is safe. Simply place it under the door, and if someone tries to enter, it will emit a loud alarm, alerting you and potentially scaring off intruders.

Personal Safety Alarm

A personal safety alarm is an essential travel accessory. It can easily be clipped onto your keychain or bag, and if you ever feel unsafe, you can trigger it to emit a loud noise, drawing attention to yourself.

Travel Safe/Portable Safe

If your hotel doesn’t have a safe, or you want extra peace of mind, consider a portable travel safe. It’s designed to secure your valuables like your passport, cash, and jewelry, and can be locked to a sturdy fixture in your room.

Insider Tip

When packing, be sure to include these hotel safety essentials in your carry-on so you have immediate access to them upon arrival. These small items can make a big difference in giving you peace of mind while you travel. Plus, they’re all available from my Amazon storefront, making it easy to prepare for your next adventure!

Conclusion: Solo Travel to Athens

Solo travel to Athens as a female can be a truly empowering and enriching experience. With its ancient ruins, vibrant culture, and welcoming locals, Athens is a city that invites exploration — and with the right preparation, you can do it safely and confidently. By choosing the right accommodations, staying alert, and trusting your instincts, you’ll be ready to embrace the beauty and history of this amazing city. So, pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Greece!

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